Thursday 5 November 2015

3D CGI Animation

3D CGI Animation

Just like 2D Animation the most common way to create these images is by using a pc how the differ is there is more detail to 3D Animation, As it is more life like how it works is the same as all other types of animation through our persistence of vision. Our mind tricks us into seeing a smooth motion in game or video however its is just pictures played back at a very fast rate, We as humans need the pictures to appear on screen at 12 FPS( Frames per second) each picture in a motion counts as one complete image so to make this move there has to be a slight difference to make them appear like they are moving and we need to see 12 of these images in a second so it is quiet a lot per movie or game that is being made.

The first full length motion picture that was made by Disney Pixar the movie was called Toy story which was a massive success and has lead to alot more movies such as Finding Nemo, Toy story movie sequels, Shrek and the Sequels, and more recently CGI movies such as Life of PI and Avatar. 

Real life realism
been able to make in real time
makes better games and videos 

Cost alot of money to make productions
takes along time to make 
needs alot of resources 

How to make 3D Animation
3D animation Software 
CGI Greenscreen

Some Examples Of 3D Animation

2D Computer graphic animation

2D Computer Graphic Animation 

As early as the 1940s and 1950s there were scientific experiments in computer based 2D Animation mostly seen by John Whitney. But it wasn't until the mid 1960s -70s were computer based animation became more publicly involved within the media were most computer based pictures and graphics were in 2- Dimensions, But we short lived because by the late 1980s 3D technology was making its way into motion pictures and by the mid 1990s 3D animation was used in full length feature film productions.

Around the 1960s Edward E. Zajac, And others started early development of 2D animation at the Bell Telephone Labs and Lawrence Livermore Notional Laboratory  and by 1973 the movie sequel to westworld a movie about robots that live and work along side humans was made and 3 years later the sequel to that was made called Futureworld (1976) witch was produced using a 3D wire frame to make a hand and a face by using this technique.

Advantages of using 2D animation 
Cheaper to make 
less time to make it 
fewer resources needed

Disadvantages of using 2D Animation
Not as good Quality compared to 3D 
Not as Realistic
Its easier to Replicate Effects

How to Make 2D Animation
All you need is 
pen - pencil 

Some Examples Of 2D Animation