Cel Animation
A Cel (Celluloid) is a method in which transparent see through pieces of paper are used to develop images so that hand drawing animators can draw there pictures and characters more than once to make it easier to animate there movie.
It was widely used in the early 20th centenary but as it was highly flammable and unstable its was replaced by cellulose acetate.
The arrival of computer assisted animation productions took the place of the vase majority of Cel animation has been completely abandoned around 1990 when Disney Studios decided to movie to compute animation.
Earl Hurd patented the technique of Cel Animation in 1914 the technique means hand drawing animators can draw characters on to the cels and put over the top of static backgrounds by doing this it reduces the amount of time a character needs to be redrawn this then means the production can be divided into separate teams of specialists in an assembly line by doing this productions became more cost effective.
It works by drawing or painting the outline of the image onto the front of the cels and placed over the background witch is drawn or painted in color.
How To Make
Transparent paper
paint or pencils
rubbers if needed
Makes it easier to draw the same picture twice, reduces the time to make a short film, it removes the jittery appearance in the movie
It still needs to be photographed, you cant save the characters you draw, also is very complex to develop
Some Examples
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